
Showing posts from August, 2023

80yr old female with Altered sensorium and CKD with late onset psychosis b/l osteoarthritis of knee

This is a paper based log book (with a corresponding E log version online) to discuss our patients de-identified health data, shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent (check out the multilingual informed consent form template in the subsequent pages ahead). Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available local and global online community of learners and teachers with an aim to solve these patient’s clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This log book also reflects my patient- centered learning Portfolio, also available as an online learning portfolio and your valuable peer review inputs will enable me to learn further as to help our patients better. 80 yr old female was brought to the casualty with Chief complaints of      .Fever since 2 days   . Altered sensorium since 2 days    .loss of appetite since 2 days Hopi: patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 days ago then she had fever high grade

83 yr old male with left sided upper and lower limb weakness and right side deviation of mouth

A 83 yr old male patient came with the chief complaint of left lower limb weakness since yesterday morning  Complaint of left upper limb weakness since25 days Complaint ofright side deviation of mouth since yesterday morning  HOPI: patient was apparently asymptomatic 25days agothen he had left upper limb weakness which was sudden in onset gradually progressive(from distal to proximal for which he used herbal medication No c/o headache, vomiting , blurring of vision ,diplopia H/o left upper limb weakness 5 yrs ago for which he used herbal medication  H/o of RTA 4yrs ago rt upper limb and left shoulder fracture  H/o pulmonary TB 3 yrs ago on ATT for 6 months  Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,CAD, epilepsy  GENERAL EXAMINATION:- Patient is conscious , coherent & co-operative Well built and nourished. No signs of pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, pedal edema and lymphadenopathy. Vitals @ admission  Temp - 99.2F RR -18CPM PR - 68BPM BP - 100/60mmHg S

58 yr old male with neck pain and B/L knee pain

This is a paper based log book (with a corresponding E log version online) to discuss our patients de-identified health data, shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent (check out the multilingual informed consent form template in the subsequent pages ahead). Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available local and global online community of learners and teachers with an aim to solve these patient’s clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This log book also reflects my patient- centered learning Portfolio, also available as an online learning portfolio and your valuable peer review inputs will enable me to learn further as to help our patients better. A 58 yr old male farmer by occupation came with cheif complaints of  Neck pain since 2-3 weeks B/L knee pain since 3 months Hopi Pt was apparently normal 8 months back then he had c/o  chest pain SOB grade 3 then he consulted a private hospital wh