1801006084-LONG CASE

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent.

Here we discuss our patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E-log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment.

A 30 yr old female resident of Choutuppal daily wage labour by occupation presented to the OPD with chief complaints of generalised weakness since last month , stomach pain from last 4 days and vomiting from the last 2-3 days.


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 month ago then she developed fever which was sudden in onset and intermittent and was relived on medication(PCM) not associated with chills and rigirs she also had vomiting which was non blood stained bilious and projectile 2-3 times a day and small volume watery diarrhoea which was non blood stained for 10 days. At that time the patient came to our hospital and diagnosed as acute gastritis and on investigation incidentally found to be having an low heamoglobin of 5g/dl . She was not admitted due to personal reasons and was prescribed oral iron medications. 

Then few days later she had stomach pain which was diffuse throbbing and intermittent and had no aggravating or relieving factors and also had vomiting which was non projectile occurs after meals non blood stained and bilious and contians digested food as its particles. So she was presented to our hospital on 13/3/2023

Daily Routine-
She wakes up early around 6-00 AM and freshen ups has tea in morning and does all household work and eats rice mainly in her all meals. She is presently not working due to non - farming season.


7 AM - Tea (105 cal)

8 AM - Rice(2 cups - 427 cal) dal (198 cal)

2 PM - Rice dal

8 PM - Rice dal
10 PM - Milk(149 cal)

Total calories 2129 calories per day

Not a known case of DM/HTN/Asthma/Epilepsy/Tuberculosis/Leprosy/CKD/CAD


Diet - Mixed 
Appetite - Normal
Bladder movements- Regular
Bowel movements- Regular
Sleep - Adequate
Allergy - No
Addictions - No


Age of menarche - 14 yrs 
Cycles regular 4 day flow with 40 days duration associated with pain and clots
Uses 2 sanitary napkins/day.
Last menstrual period was on 5/3/23.


Marital life - 15 yrs
1st child - 2 yrs after marriage male  child (13 yrs old) healthy by LSCS.
No usage of any contraception 
Concieved after 4 yrs.
During 2nd child pregnancy-
History of parentral iron in the 8th month of pregnancy 
History of blood transfusions in the 9th month of pregnancy.
2nd child - Lscs male (9 yrs old ) healthy.
Then tubectomy was done.


Mother is a known case of hypertension and on medication since 10 yrs.


Consent is taken and patient us examined in a well lit room with adequate ventilation with a female attendant and she is conscious coherent and co operative well oriented to time place and person.

Pallor - Present 

Icterus - Absent
Cyanosis - Absent
Clubbing - Absent

Lymphadenopathy - Absent
Pedal Edmea - Absent

Oral iron medications


Pulse Rate - 67 beats per minute which is regualr in rhythm normal volume and there is no radioradial and radiofemoral delay
Blood Pressure - 110/80 mm Hg in right arm sitting position 
Respiratory Rate - 14 counts per minute 
Temperature - 38.8 C


Abdomen Examination-

Inspection - 

Shape - Round with no distension
Umbilicus - Inverted 
LSCS scar in lower abdomen
No visible discharging sinuses ,swellings ,dilated veins , peristalsis or pulsations .
Hernial orifices are free.

Palpation -
No local rise of temperature
Tenderness present which is diffuse over left upper quadrant, left lumbar, umbilicus and hypogastric regions.

No hepatomegaly
No splenomegaly


Fluid thrill and shifting dullness absent.

Bowel sounds present

CVS - 
No visible apical impulse
No other sinuses scars or dilated veins and pulsations.
Apex beat was localized in the 5 th ICS 2cm medial to mid claviclular line
No thrills or parasternal heaves.
S1 and S2 heard
No murmurs

Respiratory Examination-
Chest appears bilaterally symmetrical
Respiratory movements appear equal on both sides
Trachea central in position

Trachea is central

B/l air entry
No vesicular breath sounds

Higher Mental Functions - Normal
Memory- Intact
Cranial Nerve Examination- Normal
Motor Examination-
Normal tone and power in both upper and lower limbs(5/5)
Reflexes - 
Superficial- Corneal conjuctival and plantar reflexes present on both sides 
Deep - 
                   Rt         Lt
Biceps       2+        2+
Triceps     2+        2+
Knee         3+        3+
Ankle       1+         1+

Sensory Examination -
Fine touch vibration and joint sense is intact on both sides.
Pain and temperature intact on both sides 
Cerbellar functions - Normal
No signs of meningeal irritation.


Iron deficiency Anaemia


Hemogram -

Day 1 - 13/3 -

Hemoglobin levels - 10.5 gm/dl (12-15 gm/dl)
Total WBC count - 13,400 ( 4000- 10000)
MCV - 72.7 (83-101)
MCH - 19    (27-32)
MCHC - 27.2 (31.5 - 34.5)
RBC count - 
Perioheral smear - Microcytic hypochromic anemia with few normocytes microcytes macrocytes and pencil cells and leucocytosis.

Day 2 - 14/3 -

Hemoglobin levels - 9.1 (12-15)
PCV - 33.6 (35-46)
MCV - 72.9 (83-100)
MCH - 19.7 (27-32)
MCHC - 27.1 (31.5 - 34.6)

Day 3 - 15/3-

Hemoglobin- 8.8 (12-15)
PCV - 32.4 (36-46)
MCV - 75.2 (83-101)
MCH - 20.4 (27-32)
MCHC - 27.2 (31.5 - 34.5)

Day 4- 16/3
Hemoglobin -8.8
Total leucocyte count-6500
Day 5-17/3
Hemoglobin -8.9
Total leucocyte count-8500


Day 1 - 13/3
Pottasium - 5.4 mEq/L ( 3.5 - 4.5)
Sodium chloride and calcium normal levels

Day 2 - 14/3
Pottasium - 4.1 ( in normal range 3.5-4.5)

Serum creatinine - 0.6 mg/dl (0.6 -1.1)

Blood urea - 26 mg/dl (12-42)

Retic count - 1.5%
Serum iron - 38 microg/dl (37-145)

Day 3-15/3
Serum creatinine-0.6
Potassium -4.1

Day 5-16/3
Blood urea-20



Right small kidney - 5.6*2.9cm
Left kidney - 10.5*4.8 cm

Plan of care -

IV fluids NS 75 ml/hr
Inj pan 40mg/IV/OD
Inj zofer 4mg/IV
Tab PCM 650 mg OD
Syp sucralfate 10 ml/TID
Syp cremaffin citrate 15 ml
Inj vitkofol 1000 microgram/IM/OD
Tab orofer 


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