Hello everyone!Iam a medical student of India 
First of all I would like to thank my parents and my teachers for making me well educated and made me choose my career in this medical field 
 I Joined as an intern in medicine department on 31/9/23 From that day onwards I had my Unit duty In the  very first morning I got to know the pG's that I had to work with .I am glad that My PG's are Dr.keerthi ma'am (pG 2 nd yr)  and Dr.Ajay sir(PG 1st yr)  it was great working under their guidance .I tried to make a list of cases in the medical ward which are in our unit, Daily evening Camp cases used to come from particular village and we took their case history and get all  the investigations done ,next day we used to collect their reports and if any abnormality found we would collaborate with our PG's and ask them what might be the case and what the treatment should be given.after patient recovered from illness we used to discharge them .we used to have OP Audit on previous day of our opd I took the OPD cases history and made audits for the patients we had OPD on Thursday  and saw many op cases. severe cases were admitted such as altered sensorium, alcoholic liver disease,TB .I had night duties also on Op day I used to stay in Casuality and got to know patients made admissionsNext day in the morning I come to ICU and AMC to check patient and made fever Chart Around 9.00 am we used to have clinical Rounds with our SR's ,Our Unit incharge and after that our HOD sir He used to ask questions about the case bedside made us to learn in such a way that we need to integrate all subjects that we had read from our first yr of our UG and think better ways how to cure patients . 30 days I had done my unit duty well after that I had my peripherals First 5 days ICU next 5 days Nephro and 5 days ward duty.
On My first day of ICU and AMC  I got to know the cases gone through the casesheets My work is to monitor patients vitals every hour if found any abnormal vitals i used to inform the PG's who were posted for ICU and got to know the intervention to be done for the same
Learned how to collect ABG from femoral artery and it was a nice experience 
My Next duty was in Nephrology Department there I learned about the procedure  Heamodialysis lively, saw the patients undergoing hemodialysis used to check vitals for those patients made investigations done for the patients admitted.My next duty was posted as a  Ward intern I used to check patient vitals set the IV drip for the patients who needed IV fluids 


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